A passionate Software Developer having an experience of building Web applications with PHP / Laravel / AngularJs / Flutter / Nodejs and some other cool libraries and frameworks.
Fun Full stack developer who loves clean, elegant styling and has a lot of experience in the production of CSS3, HTML5, Bootstrap, JavaScript, PHP, Laravel, Angular Js, Node Js, MYSQL and Wordpress for modern websites. I am currently at moringa school furthering my studies in Software Development. I play basketball for fun. I also like swimming and skateboarding
node js
2019 - 2020
Developer Student Clubs is a Google Developers program for university students to learn mobile and web development skills, design thinking skillsand leadership skills.
2019 - 2020
JUCSA is an innovation club in Jomo Kenyatta University where by the students get a platform to learn, present their ideas and innovative thoughts and also engage in field work activities and events. The club not only offers resources like learning materials but also boosts their budding ideas by converting them into invention of something substantial. It also creates a social environment where students with various technology experiences come together and share information with one another.
Feb 2020 - April 2020
It was a worthwhile experience working at the ComputerWays Ltd. The friendly welcoming staff and the space they have created for a trainee allowed me with ample opportunities to learn and know myself as a worker. These experiences brought out my strength and also the areas I needed to improvise. It added more confidence to my professional approach, built a stronger positive attitude and taught me how to work in a team as a player.
Developing a highly secure, fast and scalable APIs both REST and GraphQL.
Get a blazing fast front-end for your backend using React, Gatsby or Bootstrap.
Do you need your social media account automated? I build Twitter, Facebook and Telegram bots.
I integrate mpesa paybill with platforms to automate payment process.
Event Management System for small and large events management. This project was done in purely JavaScript, Html, bootstrap and css.
ViewPersonal Finance Coaching company Website This project was done in JavaScript, Html and css.
ViewA platform where farmers can hire farm machinery equipments. This project was done in purely JavaScript, Html, UI Kit and css.
ViewDiscuss a project or just want to say hi? My Inbox is open for all.
Nairobi, Kenya
Open for opportunities: Yes
Made with ❤️ by Wilson Kinyua